Ice Tech paradises: Nigardsbreen, Norway

You would be surprised with the number of wonderful places you could visit where ice is the protagonist and the engine of that beauty.
Let’s go to Norway in order to have a better idea of the Jostedal glacier. In one of its slopes (Nigardsbreen) you can find the so-called “Ice Cathedral”.
This glacier slope began to recede sharply in 2006. One year later, researchers discovered this cave from an opening of about five meters. This site impressed so much the explorers that they named it as the “Ice Cathedral”. It is up to eight meters high and 30 meters deep, and its walls and ceilings have a deep blue colour.
As you can imagine, you cannot always find the same amount of ice. Its appearance is constantly changing as a result of glaciers melting. For this reason, the Nigardsbreen grotto can be only accessed with a guide who really knows the place and its risks.
In Ice Tech we cannot wait to go and have a better idea of the ice wonders!
Herein you can find a video in order to enjoy the route