Figure skating, a sport characterized by being a mixture between dance and ice… Winter is coming and we are already looking forward to enjoying the great show that ensures this sport. Beyond what we can see, there a…

Are you an ice skating lover? And a fashion lover? Wouldn’t it be perfect to join both of them in one show? Well, stop dreaming because it is possible. One more year, in the beautiful city of Verona, fashion and ice s…

If there is something beautiful and worth admiring in Autumn are the warm landscapes of southern Italy. Sicily, the country’s largest island, is considered to be one of the most precious jewels of Italy. Its volcanoes…

¿Quien no se ha torcido alguna vez el tobillo y ha pedido hielo? ¿Quien no se ha dado un golpe y ha pedido hielo? Es nuestro mejor aliado cuando nos hacemos daño. Nos acordamos antes del hielo que del dolor. …

El hielo, nuestro mejor aliado para las lesiones / The ice, our best ally when we get hurt Read more »