There is less time left to say goodbye to 2016. Therefore, we must raise a toast for the new year that is behind the corner. From Ice Tech we would like that you do not miss the best cocktails on the last day of the y…

Christmas is the time of the year in which we decorate our house, we love being with our families and Friends, and it doesn’t matter to spend hours and hours cooking for our beloved ones. Many people prefer travelling…

It doesn’t matter if you practice it as a hobby or if it’s the first time you try it. Christmas brings with it ice skating come what may. It doesn’t matter if you’re the one who falls all the time or if you do pirouet…

When talking about sports on ice or snow, the first thing that comes to our minds are skiing or ice skating. However, there are lots of ice sports that are not as famous as the other ones but which have their follower…

Appearance, smell, taste. These are some of the characteristics of this typical Italian drink. Christmas are coming, family dinners and meetings with friends. In Ice Tech we will tell you everything you need to know a…