¡Un hotel cubierto de hielo! / An ice hotel!

¿Sabías que existe un hotel hecho completamente de hielo? Está abierto seis meses, se deshiela y vuelve a ser construido. ¿Quieres conocerlo? Sigue leyendo… // Did you know there is a hotel entirely made of ice? It is open six months a year, it melts and it has to be built up again. Would you like to know more about it? Keep reading…
El Ice Hotel (bien podría llamarse Ice Tech Hotel ;)) está en una localidad a unos 200 km del Círculo Polar Ártico, en Suecia. Situado en la aldea de Jukkasjärvi (o como quieras pronunciarlo), el Ice Hotel es toda una obra de arte. Todo allí está hecho con hielo…¡incluso la vajilla!.
Su encanto radica en que cada año lo renuevan. Sólo dura los seis meses de la estación fría, ya que después el hielo se derrite. Cada otoño, cuando empiezan a descender las temperaturas, empieza la construcción del Ice Hotel. Se cortan bloques de hielo y se les da forma. Cada año su construcción está a cargo de un artista diferente. ¡Por allí han pasado ya 25 artistas, ya que el Ice Hotel lleva en pie 25 años!.
¿Cómo empezó?
Cómo podéis imaginaros, la idea del Ice Hotel se fraguó durante una exposición de obras de arte de hielo. El iglú que las contenía se quedó pequeño para todos aquellos que querían visitarla, con lo que se habilitó otro iglú para la gente que se quedaba fuera. En ese momento, alguien tuvo la maravillosa idea de construir un hotel donde se pudiera disfrutar de lo mejor del hielo.
¿Qué os parecería si proponemos un Ice Tech Ice Hotel ;)?
Did you know there is a hotel entirely made of ice? It is open six months a year, it melts and it has to be built up again. Would you like to know more about it? Keep reading…
The Ice Hotel (it could be named Ice Tech Hotel ;)) is located in a town about 200 km away from the Arctic Circle, in Sweden. It is based in Jukkasjärvi (or whatever you want to pronounce it), a small village. The Ice Hotel is actually a work of art. Everything there is made of ice… even dishes are made of ice!
Its charm lies in renewing it every year. It only lasts the six months of the cold season, because afterwards the ice melts. Each autumn, when temperatures begin to drop, the Ice Hotel construction begins to take place; ice blocks are cut and shaped. Every year a different artist handles its construction. 25 artists have already worked there, since the Ice Hotel has stood for 25 years!
How did it started?
As you can imagine, the idea of building an Ice Hotel was hatched during an exhibition of ice works of art. The igloo that held them became too small to gather all the people who wanted to visit it, so another igloo was built for the people who stayed out. At that time, someone had the wonderful idea of building a hotel where you could enjoy the best of ice.
How about suggesting an Ice Tech Ice Hotel ;)?