5 steps you must follow in order to keep the Ice Tech CD machine

5 steps you must follow in order to keep the Ice Tech CD machine

CD ice cubes or diamond ice are considered to be the best cubes for keeping freshness more time. The Ice Tech Diamond ice machine is used to achieve optimum cooling in a variety of products.

5 steps you must follow in order to maintain the Ice Tech CD machine

Do you know how diamond ice is obtained? This machine works by compressing the dry crushed ice and making soft ice pieces.

The Ice Tech CD is used for fresh food exhibitors at the supermarket. It is also used in restaurants that serve prepared food. Moreover, it is highly recommended to use it to preserve seafood and fish, or to maintain cold more time while enjoying your cocktail… Furthermore, many cosmetic brands use Ice Tech CD ice for facial masks’ better preservation, etc…

It does not only have daily uses, but is also used in laboratories, in the health sector and in various industrial and scientific environments.

macchine Ice Tech CD

How to clean it?

We will not give up on repeating it. It is highly recommended to check and clean the Ice Tech machine every six months. And very, very important: unplug it from the electric current whenever you clean it.

Let’s remember how to clean every part of the Ice Tech CD machine. In general, its maintenance and its cleaning is the same one as the Ice Tech SS and PS one.

 macchine Ice Tech CD 90macchine Ice Tech CD 55

  • Water condenser 

In order to clean the Ice Tech machine water condenser the water inlet must be disconnected or the water inlet and outlet must be disconnected from the condenser. The magic formula must be then prepared, that is to say, a 50% of phosphoric acid and distilled water. Once we have it, we make it flow through the condenser. Note that you must not use hydrochloric acid.

  • Air condenser

For cleaning the Ice Tech machine air condenser the first step of the water condenser must be repeated, that is to say, to disconnect the water inlet or to close the tap. Once we have done that, we must clean the finned area with the vacuum cleaner brush, a non-metallic brush or with low-pressure air.

  • Cuba stock cleaning

Same first steps: disconnect the machine and the water. Once we empty the ice cube stock we can use a kitchen cloth and soap. The machine has to be very well disinfected. If white lime stains would not disappear, we should rub them with lemon and then swipe them with a cloth. Then you have to thoroughly rinse it with a lot of water, dry it well and start again.

  • Cleaning input filters

Input filters often clog the early days of running the machine, especially during plumbing installations. We must simply drop the hose and clean them under running water.

  • Water leaks control

We have to prevent leaks for avoiding breakages and flooding. Whenever we manipulate the machine, we must check all water connections as well as the clamps state and the hoses.

You can find below an explanatory video for learning how to clean the Ice Tech CD machine and how to install it.