Reasons to invest in a professional ice machine

Reasons to invest in a professional ice machine

Each business in the field of catering needs a professional ice machine, because it offers very interesting advantages.  An icemaker machine that meets expectations and has needed quality can, without any doubts, increase the economic performance of your business.

In order to help you decide, in Ice Tech we offer you several reasons to invest in a professional icemaker machine, and show you the correct steps to know if it is the right one for you.

Improve the flavour and your beverage service

When you acquire drinks with ice, there are many differences when that ice is good quality or not.  If it is a white ice and melts very quickly, it is a low quality product.  This ice cube often gives a weird taste, and it is something that the consumer notices when drinking.

By contrast, a transparent ice cube, with a right shape and better durability, adds a touch of quality to drinks. It improves considerably the enjoyment of the drink, because we know for sure, that the ice is not going to transform the taste of it.  A professional ice machine it is perfect for this case.

Quick or immediate availability

It is inviable that your business remains without ice cubes, since many of the drinks that are offered in the different catering locals, are accompanied with ice, consequently, if you get a professional ice machine, you will avoid this problem.

In the moment you need ice, you just need to go to your ice machine and make ice. The making process is quickly and immediate. Moreover, all the machines count with an ice repository, which has the ideal temperature to maintain the ice cubes.

Quality of produced ice

As we have pointed out before, the quality of the produced ice by an industrial ice machine should be excellent, so it is so important to improve your business service having one of them.

No one likes to see a deformed, white and granular ice in their drinks, and even less if it is going to change the taste of it.  With the acquisition of an ice machine, that won’t be a problem.  You should choose the ice machine that is the best solution for your needs, but whatever your choice is, we assure you that quality of the ice will be higher.

Improving production’s hygiene

Making ices cubes manually, alters its hygiene. Acquiring a professional ice machine the ice cube hygiene improves considerably.

All of this machines are composed of mechanism that favour the quality of ice production,  making ices cubes nimbly and perfectly, and with higher levels of hygiene.  There is no direct manipulation with the “made ice”, which assures that it won’t be extern contamination in any way.

Simple use for the consumer

The current ice machines have a very simple functioning, created for any person to use it.

Ice Tech manufactures ice machines always taking the final user in mind, thinking of the real use of the machine and making easier its manipulation.

Do you need any more reasons to see that your business needs an ice machine?

Contact with Ice Tech in case that you make the decision to acquire one and we will advise you about the machine that is perfect for your needs.

Analyzing the use and the climatological conditions of the local, we will choose the perfect machine for you and for your business.