Starting a new year brings new emotions, new experiences and, as always, a new life. That happens to us at Ice Tech. We would like to start the year with a good beginning. Therefore, we have renewed our corporate imag…
One more year, Ice Tech is part of Sigep, the International Trade Fair of the ice cream, artisan pastry and coffee world. Four years ago we started this experience and we can not miss From the 21st to 25…
There is less time left to say goodbye to 2016. Therefore, we must raise a toast for the new year that is behind the corner. From Ice Tech we would like that you do not miss the best cocktails on the last day of the y…
When talking about sports on ice or snow, the first thing that comes to our minds are skiing or ice skating. However, there are lots of ice sports that are not as famous as the other ones but which have their follower…
As we all know, the uses of ice are incredible. Many times, we think that ice is only useful for preparing cocktails, but its usefulness goes much further. Learn with Ice Tech how to preserve your food this Christmas …