Three healthy smoothies to keep fit

The best way to deal with this hot weather is drinking a smoothie, a milkshake with Ice Tech ice that tries to be healthy. There are as many flavours as you wish. In Ice Tech we recommend three delicious healthy smoothies that will help you to keep fit.
Any of these smoothies are hyper nutritious and well suited to take over breakfast. They are a very good option if you do not have time to prepare an elaborated breakfast. You can leave it prepared the day before and keep it in the fridge. You just have to add some Ice Tech ice cubes a while before consuming this refreshing drink.
They’re delicious and very low in calories!
Blackberry Smoothie, blueberries and oats
- 500ml of cold apple juice
- 4 tablespoons of oatmeal
- 120gr of blueberries
- 120gr of blackberries
- 500gr of unsweetened plain yogurt
- Five crushed Ice Tech ice cubes
Spinach and banana smoothie
- A bunch of spinach
- A bunch of kale,. A cup of water
- A frozen banana
- 5 frozen strawberries
- 5 crushed Ice Tech ice cubes
Mango and strawberry smoothie
- One cup of chopped strawberries
- One cup of chopped mango
- Half cup of unsweetened plain yogurt
- A quarter cup of almond milk
- A teaspoon of chia seeds
- One tablespoon of almond butter
- 5 crushed Ice Tech ice cubes