Live with Ice Tech the Harbin Snow and Ice Festival

Live with Ice Tech the Harbin Snow and Ice Festival

Hotels, furniture, statues and ‘why not’ a frozen festivale. Today we are travelling to China in order to talk about the world most famous festival. Get to know with Ice Tech the details, book your flight and start a new year with the right foot. Enjoy the last holidays days!


Located in Harbin, China. The first Festival took place in 1985 and since then it is celebrated year after year. You will see enormous and colorful ice creations imitating buildings.

Each statue has a unique atmosphere and charm: monuments from all over the world, churches, mosques… And many more! At night they are more than magic. Each of them has got a different light color: some of them are pink, others are green, others are blue… We do not know which one we would choose!

festival con Ice Tech

All these beautiful productions are not produced on their own. More than 10.000 workers work on each of them, and they spend hours and hours on them building them until they are more precise on what they do.

Moreover, several events are organized such us massive weddings in group on ice, swimming competitions and also snow sculpture competitions. What will really charm you and you cannot miss is the experience of going down the ice slides. You will feel like a kid! 😉

 festival con Ice Tech

Harbin temperatures on these dates vary between -40 to -20, so you’ll need a very good coat and layers and layers of clothes for not becoming an Ice Tech ice cube 😉

Prepare your camera, your boots and your coat and travel to Harbin in order to start the year the best way: accompanied by ice!