Can you find pure water in nature?

The existence of pure water in nature, thanks to new technologies, has been found to be impossible to find it without passing through a laboratory.
All the water that our planet has is, to a greater or lesser extent, contaminated. The microorganisms exist everywhere, which is why, once the water lands on earth, wherever it is, any type of organisms adheres to it, either aerial or terrestrial. Therefore, it is impossible to extract pure water out of nature.
The most common elements in the water
The water found throughout our planet may contain dirt, organisms, microorganisms or some solid elements that cause this water to be impure; The last two ones are usually the most abundant.
- The microorganisms are anywhere on earth: land, water and air. Therefore, it is impossible to find pure water in nature.
- Solid elements. Due to the erosion of the land with the water, most likely the water will drag any solid element with it, be it land, stones or vegetation. These solids can be suspended, floating or sedimentary, depending on the place they have in the water.
- Organic chemical substances. There are still people who throw waste into the seas, oceans and rivers, so they pollute the water in a very serious way. The most common elements are oil, any kind of plastics or pesticide residues.
- Plant nutrients. Aquatic plants that grow and, later, die and decompose, release nutrients that remain scattered in the water.
Can we get pure water in some way?
Currently, there is only one possibility of getting pure water, and that is making use of laboratories. In these, the water molecules are extracted (H2O) and any microorganism and / or molecule that may be in the water sample are eliminated.
To do this, it is necessary to use tools which are specific to laboratories, together with very exclusive conditions, even having to use a vacuum. As you can see, this is not an easy process, so getting pure water at the moment is very complicated, almost impossible for anyone.
Is the bottled water we drink healthy?
We understand that, after reading all this information related to water and the acquisition of water, the doubts regarding the bottled water that we all drink daily are remarkable. Therefore, we are going to answer that question in the most appropriate way possible.
The human being needs to hydrate himself from water in order to have a healthy and lasting life, which is way the water must not contain harmful elements that can affect our health. Any brand of bottled water tries to get the purest water possible, although none achieves extreme purity. Once it is collected, it goes through different cleaning and improvement processes, before being bottled in suitable containers for said action. In addition, the water passes an exhaustive control to verify that it is indeed potable and can be commercialized. In short, it is necessary to emphasize that the bottled water that we drink is healthy and its consumption is suitable for our organism.
This information is important to take into account before buying bottled water of any brand, to avoid deceptions of those who claim that their water is completely pure.
There are more and more human beings on planet Earth, and we all need this element to live. If we do not take care of the water and, therefore, the ecosystem in general, there will come a time when demand exceeds the supply and we will have scarcity of this important resource.