7 steps for preparing a homemade limoncello

Limoncello is the quintessential Italian drink! Who does not like it? It is original from Naples and it is obtained by macerating lemons in alcohol. The best way to do it is using Sorrento lemons, a beautiful coastal city. These lemons are big, their yellow colour is strong and they taste really strong.
We always drink limoncello at the end of a meal, as a digestive drink, but lately we also take it on holidays like a shot.
Although it is already “vox populi“, it is very important to consume the limoncello very cold after having left it a few hours in a freezer, as its a 25 degrees alcohol drink it will not be frosted.
We’re lucky because besides being an easy drink to find, limoncello can also be prepared at home.
What do you need?
1 litre of alcohol
1 kg of lemons
1.5 l of mineral water
A little less than 1kg of sugar
How to do it? In Ice Tech we will explain it in 7 steps.
- Wash a few lemons very well. Peel the lemon peel very finely, cutting only the yellow part of the lemon, which is the sweetest one of the citrus.
- Place the lemon peel and the alcohol in a large bowl. Cover it hermetically and store it in a cool place that receives little light.
- After having mixed everything, it is important to marinate the lemon peels in alcohol from 10 to 14 days. The result of this maceration process has to be a yellow alcoholic liquid and the peels must have lost their colour.
- Now you have to put with fire a container with a litre and a half of water and a little less than a kilo of sugar and then boil it for 15 minutes. You have to stir it constantly with a wooden spoon.
- Once the syrup is at room temperature we must mix it with the alcohol maceration and lemon, using a strainer to remove the peels once they have already given flavour to the liquid.
- The last step is to place the liquor obtained in a few bottles of glass and close it with a lid. Store it minimum for 5 days in order to accentuate its flavour before its consumption.
- Before drinking it, it is important to keep it cool, that is to stay, to leave it a few hours in a freezer with Ice Tech ice cubes.
It’s delicious! Nevertheless, from Ice Tech we recommend drink only in moderation and, of course, if you are driving, leave it for another day.