Backdraft, the Fallas cocktail that fills the streets of Valencia

Backdraft, the Fallas cocktail that fills the streets of Valencia

Fallas have begun in Valencia and there is no better way to celebrate them than with a good ice cream. Do you think ice and fire can not be combined? That’s because you do not know the Backdraft, Ice Tech’s Fallas cocktail.


If there is something that characterizes Spain, in addition to its good weather and its gastronomy, are its traditional festivals. Fallas are one of the most known and recognized festivals in the Latin country. It is a typical festival of the city of Valencia, where you can not miss the firecrackers, the chocolate fritters and, above all, the “ninots”, that is, the dolls that fill the monuments of humour, beauty and art.

The party can not begin without the “Mascletá“, when endless firecrackers fill the sky with music, and ends with the burning of the “fallero” monuments until next year. Throughout the year, Fallas artists dedicate their time to think and elaborate the monuments until they are pset on March 15th of the following year. During five days there is an endless number of fun – festive activities throughout the city, ending on March 19th, leaving the Valencian capital on flames for a few hours.

Backdraft, the Fallas cocktail.

The thought that ice and fire do not get along is a myth. This cocktail breaks with the schemes of all. Write down!


  • 1 ½ ounces of Cointreau
  • 1 ½ ounces of Sambuca
  • A few hints of cinnamon
  • Ice Tech ice cubes

The elaboration is not simple, but it is worth it. First of all, we place a small plate, then we fill a shot glass with Sambuca and place it on the plate. After this, in a “porrón”, we pour the Cointreau, and we give it and shake until the sides of the container take temperature. With the Cointreau in, we pour it into the shot glass and we wait for everything to burn. It is important that the mixture spills into the dish. After this, we quickly sprinkle the cinnamon over the drink.

The last step will be to put out the fire and place a few ice cubes of Ice Tech ice over to seal the flavour. We shake the “porrón” several times and let the container absorb all the steam of the “porrón”, helping you with a straw. This will help you to drink this cocktail.

Finish your Fallas party with a burning experience!