In order to strengthen the brand in Italy, the Ice Tech headquarter in Valencia is giving course to more than 10 technicians from Italy. The course objective is to learn the operation and maintenance of our ice machin…

It doesn’t matter if you practice it as a hobby or if it’s the first time you try it. Christmas brings with it ice skating come what may. It doesn’t matter if you’re the one who falls all the time or if you do pirouet…

Appearance, smell, taste. These are some of the characteristics of this typical Italian drink. Christmas are coming, family dinners and meetings with friends. In Ice Tech we will tell you everything you need to know a…

Spain is one of the favourite destinations for Italians. If it is already pretty, it becomes a magical place at Christmas. Madrid, the Spanish capital, joins our icy adventure, celebrating a unique event: El Circo…

Coffees, cocktails, iced drinks… If it comes to drinks, there is no better ally to cool them down than ice. But this is not its only use, Ice Tech ice cubes will be your best ally in the day. Don’t you know how? Tak…