6 Benefits of Tea with Ice Tech Ice

6 Benefits of Tea with Ice Tech Ice

Ice has so many properties for health and well-being that it doesn’t matter what we mix it with because the combination is always delicious. We hace already talked about the benefits of ice-coffee with Ice Tech ice and, as it couldn’t be otherwise, today we bring you more benefits, yes, this time with tea 😉 . Write down:

  1. Goodbye extra pounds.

Cold tea is used in both detox and depurative diets because it helps us lose those extra pounds that no one wants. This is because it contains slimming and mineral properties capable of removing toxins from the body. Haven’t we conviced you yet? Are you sure?

tè con Ice Tech

  1. Recharges the batteries.

Theine will help you stay up all day and, of course, in a good mood 😉 .

  1. Take it to the gym.

Cold tea helps increase stamina and physical performance while doing sports. In addition, some specific teas, such as green tea, act as muscle relaxants.

  1. No more wrinkles.

A tea with extra Ice Tech ice will help you age much more slowly. Its antioxidant properties do also help the skin. Isn’t it fantastic?

  1. Prevents heart attacks.

With this dring, your arteries will always be free. With three glasses of tea with an extra dose of Ice Tech ice a day, you will awaken the side of your sleeping metabolism.

  1. Strangthens bones.

Bones will become as strong as if you drank milk if you drink this drink with lost of ice. 😉 If you do not like milk or if you do not tolerate lactose, skip to ice tea.

tè con Ice Tech

And, if after all these benefits we hace not convinced you yet, just give it a try!