How can ice improve your health?

When we talk about ice, we mainly think of drinks such as cocktails, soft drinks, slushies… but ice also has many benefits for our health.
In today’s article we want to explain all the benefits that ice can bring to your health.
Ice to reduce fever
One of the many benefits of ice is being an effective formula to reduce a fever. Surely when you had a fever as a child your parents used to put a cloth soaked in cold water or ice on your forehead to lower the temperature and surely it worked, right?
Many do not believe in the power of ice for this type of thing, but we assure you that it does work.
Anti-inflammatory effect
Another miraculous effect of ice is undoubtedly its power to reduce swelling. Surely at some point in your life you have hurt yourself and the affected area will have swollen. Applying ice to a swollen area allows you to relieve pain and combat swelling since the cold stops the secretion of chemical substances that generate the inflammation itself.
There is nothing better than using ice to relieve the pain of bruises. If you are one of those people who finds bruises all over your body and you don’t even know how you did it, you have to know that with ice you can alleviate the discomfort. In fact, the key is to apply it in the first 24 hours after the blow as it will help to compress the blood vessels and reduce inflammation.
Relieving toothache with ice is very simple, you just have to place several ice cubes in a bag and put it on the tooth several times. Little by little the inflammation will decrease since, as we have mentioned before, ice has great anti-inflammatory power.
It relieves hives
Surely at some time in your life you have suffered from hives and there is nothing worse than non-stop scratching. Ice helps you relieve itching and prevent you from scratching yourself further.
Wasp sting
Going to the countryside to spend the day with friends is a great plan until a wasp stings you.
There can be nothing more annoying than a bee or wasp sting. It is a pain that can last for several hours, so you have to react quickly by putting an ice pack on the area of the bite. In this way you will be able to stop the swelling.
As you can see, it is very important to have a good ITV ice pack in the fridge, you never know when you might need it. On our website you will find different ice formats: cubes, granules, flakes… And if you have any questions, call us.