Cosmopolitan, the Sex and the City cocktail

Cosmopolitan, the Sex and the City cocktail

Welcome to one more chapter of our filmastic cocktail section! The trendiest place, four girlfriends talking about fashion, men, relationships… Does it sound familiar? Do you know what are we talking about? Exactly! They are the main characters of Sex and the City… You can now become one of them. Follow our Ice Tech Cosmopolitan recipe and become the queen of the Italian night!

During this time of the year, cocktails are a very good choice to drink at any fashion terrace. In addition, your friends will be glad if you invite them to your home and prepare them this classy and elegant cocktail. In Ice Tech we make it easy. Just follow our filmastic cocktails recipes… Do you dare to prepare one?

Ice Tech Ice Cocktail Cosmopolitan

Ingredients for 1 Ice Tech Cosmopolitan 

  • 15 ml. of lime juice
  • 15 ml. of Cointreau
  • 25 ml. of cranberry juice
  • 30 ml. of vodka
  • crushed Ice Tech ice cubes 
  • 1 strip of orange peel or lime wedge for garnish


  1. Chop the Ice Tech ice cubes and put them in a shaker.
  2. Add some lime juice, cranberry juice, vodka and Cointreau.
  3. Cover the shaker and shake it vigorously until the cocktail is well mixed.
  4. Serve it in a Martini glass.
  5. Decorate it with an orange peel or with a slice of lime.

Now you are ready to feel like Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City