Ice: that cold product of a translucent and whitish colour, formed when water reaches a temperature of 0° C. Is that all you know about ice? From Ice Tech we anticipate that this is only the tip of the Iceberg. Know s…

Now that the warm temperatures leave us, we must make plans for the most welcoming time of the year. In Ice Tech we love ice and even more if it is in Italy. That’s why we would like to tell you about the most beautif…

We are frozen sites lovers! Cold can be also charming: sofa and blanket evenings, coats, ice and snow landscapes… Never-ending characteristics that make this time of the year unique. There are some countries where col…

Now that Winter is coming, we have in our minds the snow, the blanket, the trips to the mountain, the frost… Ice is wonderful! It is able to create spectacular natural phenomena. From Ice Tech we want you t…

The rich Mediterranean vegetation, the sea, history and, of course, gastronomy. We love Italy and all its charms. Do not miss the best of Campania and take a Strega cocktail with Ice Tech 😉

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