Categoria: ghiaccio
7 passi per fare limoncello in casa
Il limoncello è la bevanda italiana per eccellenza! A chi non piace? Originario di Napoli, il limoncello si ottiene dalla macerazione in alcol di limoni. Il miglior modo di farlo è con limoni di Sorrento, una bellissi…
Ten home remedies with ice
Hello! We have said many times that ice is one of our best allies when we have some kind of discomfort. Today we are going to teach you 10 ice home remedies that will make you feel great. Fever, cold sores…
It is spring in Ice Paradise
This Ice Paradise is known for being one of the best places to see the Aurora Borealis. Do you know what place we’re talking about? Yes, exactly, Lapland.
Ice is vital for transplants
Spain is the leading country in organ donation. More than 10 transplants are performed per day, and donations figures increase every year. How important is ice for transplants?