Today, April 25th, the 72nd anniversary of the Italian Liberation from the fascist regime and the German occupation is celebrated in Italy. From Ice Tech, we would like to give you some ideas of …

Coffee is one of the man’s best friend, and even more if it is served with ice ;). Whenever we travel, we love to try our usual food in different places in order to appreciate different flavours. Rome is the tourist c…

One of the biggest characteristics of Italy is its boot shape, right? We are going to travel with Ice Tech to the Italian heel, where Lecce is located, the Italian city that is ideal to disconnect during the Spring mo…

Fallas have begun in Valencia and there is no better way to celebrate them than with a good ice cream. Do you think ice and fire can not be combined? That’s because you do not know the Backdraft, Ice Tech’s Fallas coc…

Figure skating, a sport characterized by being a mixture between dance and ice… Winter is coming and we are already looking forward to enjoying the great show that ensures this sport. Beyond what we can see, there a…