Ice: that cold product of a translucent and whitish colour, formed when water reaches a temperature of 0° C. Is that all you know about ice? From Ice Tech we anticipate that this is only the tip of the Iceberg. Know s…

We are frozen sites lovers! Cold can be also charming: sofa and blanket evenings, coats, ice and snow landscapes… Never-ending characteristics that make this time of the year unique. There are some countries where col…

Venice has it all to fall in love. Its great canal, its tranquillity, its gondolas, its cuisine, its cocktails … There are many reasons to visit the city. If there is something really amazing in the city are its isl…

When talking about an elegant city, Milan is the best one. Business, fashion industry and art are some of the features that make this city unique. But there is more than this. Visit the Fratelli Branca factory with Ic…