Christmas is the most waited holiday of the year. Family, traditions, sweets, lights… It’s a great time! Traditions change according to the country you go. From Ice Tech we would like you to know how to live Christm…

Spain is one of the favourite destinations for Italians. If it is already pretty, it becomes a magical place at Christmas. Madrid, the Spanish capital, joins our icy adventure, celebrating a unique event: El Circo…

It doesn’t matter that cold weather is already with us. Real ice cream lovers enjoy taking one whatever season of the year. We love its taste, its texture, its colour… We think that we know everything about them, bu…

Ice: that cold product of a translucent and whitish colour, formed when water reaches a temperature of 0° C. Is that all you know about ice? From Ice Tech we anticipate that this is only the tip of the Iceberg. Know s…

We are frozen sites lovers! Cold can be also charming: sofa and blanket evenings, coats, ice and snow landscapes… Never-ending characteristics that make this time of the year unique. There are some countries where col…