Five Ice Tech healthy homemade ice creams

Five Ice Tech healthy homemade ice creams

Summer begins and ice cream is one of those allies we all have in these hot days. It is the special guest of any party and the main protagonist for children. Who does not enjoy an ice cream on holidays? So in Ice Tech, we would like to explain the 5 different types of homemade ice creams without calories. Suitable to keep fit!

With these recipes we’ll spend a healthy summer. And, we will also be the kings of the parties 😉 😉


Yogurt is a great base to get transformed into different desserts. We can combine it with the fruit we like the most because we can use different types of fruit. Of course, skimmed and natural options will still always be the lighter option.

  • Ingredients: 575 g of non-fat plain yogurt, 60 g of soft blossom honey, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract or natural seeds.
  • Preparation: Pour the yogurt in a jar with honey and vanilla. Stir it with a whisk until obtaining light and smooth cream. Put it a freezer-safe container and freeze it. Once ready, cover it with greaseproof paper and close the Tupper well.



Watermelon is one of the best options for this summer. It is very low in calories and rich in water. It is the perfect ingredient for our desserts.

  • Ingredients: 500 g of seedless and clean watermelon, 125 ml of water, 60 g of sugar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, and 1 pinch of salt.
  • Preparation: Pour In a saucepan the water and the sugar until it boils. Once it boils, wait for two minutes. Remove it from heat and pass the syrup into another container to cool it down. Meanwhile, grind the clean watermelon with lemon juice and salt. Once we obtain puree mix it with light syrup. Pour it into another container and leave it in the freezer for a few hours, stirring it occasionally, until it has the right texture.



Celebrating with champagne is a tradition. It has fewer calories and we need a minimum amount of it in order to get a delicious and very refreshing sorbet.

  • Ingredients: 100 ml of champagne, 200 ml of orange juice, 60 ml of lemon juice, 90 g of sugar, 45 ml of water, 15 ml of rum, 1 egg white, raspberries or blueberries and mint for garnish.
  • Preparation: In a saucepan heat the water with the sugar until they boil and form syrup. Let it cool down for a few minutes and put it together with orange juice, lemon and rum. Stir the mixture and carefully pour the champagne. Whip the egg white to soft peaks and carefully mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Put the mixture in a jug or a bowl and leave it in the freezer. After about two hours, stir it with a fork to prevent the creation of ice crystals, and after four hours, do it again. Leave it all night and serve the sorbet in glasses accompanied by red berries and mint or spearmint.


How much vitamin together! Imagine a mixture of mandarin and pomegranate, but this time with a speck of vodka. Alcohol helps to create a good texture in the sorbet, avoiding the formation of ice crystals and combines very well with fruit.

  • Ingredients: 5 mandarins, 1 lime, 1/2 pomegranate, 1 glass of vodka (100 ml), 1 beaten egg, and syrup.
  • Preparation: Squeeze and strain the mandarin juice and add the vodka and the lime juice. Prepare syrup with 150 gr of separate water and sugar, and boil it until syrup begins to take shape. Let it cool down. Once it is cooler, mix the syrup with the enriched juice. Put the egg whites to soft peaks and incorporate it to our preparation with outflanking movements. Put the ice cream in the freezer. Every 30 minutes beat the cream with a fork in order to break the glass and serve it after two hours. It is convenient to sake it one more time before serving it in small bowls, decorated with small pomegranate grains.



You’ll not have to throw away plantain bananas anymore. Now is the main ingredient of a delicious and very healthy ice cream. You can mix it with other fruits or add some milk.

  • Ingredients: 2-4 slightly plantain bananas, depending on their size. One banana per person.
  • Preparation: Peel the bananas and slice them in one or two centimetres thick pieces. Place them in a single layer on a plate. Freeze it for a couple of hours. If we are not going to prepare it immediately, it is advisable to remove the frozen banana pieces to keep them in a special bag or airtight container for freezing. We place the frozen banana directly into a crusher. Grind it in batches, stirring it well after each time, until a smooth and creamy texture appears. At first, it is difficult to grind it and it acquires a crumbly texture, but soon it turns into an ice cream ready to be served.

What do you think about these ice creams we recommend in Ice Tech? Now you can calmly eat them. They are a great alternative to industrial ice cream, loaded with sugar and calories.

Tell us what they are like!